Sorry for Sunday's histrionics...
I haven't read the comments yet, I'm just not up to another spell of bawling. But many sincere thanks to anyone who said anything nice. I'll read them soon, promised.
We're in for a ten hour drive to Corvallis, Oregon this afternoon. My huz's sire is a Forestry prof up there in the land of the Ducks and the Beavers, and lives in the middle of nowhere in a log cabin they like to call "Cedar Oaks." What the hell is a "cedar oak," anyone? No one is allowed to spoil the precious hardwoods of Cedar Oaks' Martha Stewart-goes-to-the-Adirondacks interior with shoes, so we're all armed (¿footed?) with brand new cheap n' tacky non-skid house slippers from Chinatown. Supposedly it's cold there today, and anyone in SF knows that we've been basking in the '70s here the last few weeks. I'm a pussy in the cold, so more whine-tainted posts could ensue.
By the way, I logged onto blogger with Safari today and was shocked to see that my blog looks like ASS, everything is out of place. I normally use Mozilla, and thought I had the HTML under control. I'll fix this when we get back next week, bear with me.
Happy Thanksgiving.....!
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